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In the UK, more than half of all homes have a combi boiler. There is a reason for this, but do you want to know what it is? Do you want to know what a combi boiler is and how it works? Should you go through all the trouble of moving to a combi boiler? Is it that good? 

You might want to replace the boiler with a combi boiler if your old one is broken or worn out. You can choose from different kinds of boilers. The combi boiler is one of the most common types. People like combi boilers because they are easy to install and take up less space than other types, like regular boilers. They might also work better than the alternatives.

If you want to get a new boiler, a combi boiler might be a good option. But is this good for your house? There are some things you should know.

In our guide, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know to make an informed choice. Let’s take a close look at combi boilers.

What is a Combi Boiler?

A combination (combi) boiler is a single boiler unit that provides your home with hot water and heating. Indeed, you will have an unlimited supply of warm water, too, if you replace boiler with combi boiler.

It is compact, which means that it is space-saving and that you will never have to wait for heating or hot water, as it delivers both almost instantly. As it is compact, installation is easy, so a combi boiler brings with it convenience, comfort, and peace of mind.

Why Should You Switch to a Combination Boiler?

Combi boilers get their heat and hot water from the mains. They also have very little room because they don’t need a separate hot water tank.

  • Instantaneous Heat: Combi boilers are useful and energy-efficient because they only make heat when needed. This is great if you want to lower your heating costs.
  • Space-saving: Combination boilers don’t need to install a tank in the roof space, which saves money on installation costs. This means less plumbing and a faster fitting process.
  • Many Outputs: There is a great selection of combi boilers to fit any size home, and you can choose from a number of different heat outputs and flow rates. The right boiler will depend on how many bedrooms and bathrooms you have, which our gas-safe registered engineer will determine before the installation.

Combi boilers are better than standard and system boilers in many ways. But they aren’t completely right for every home. Find out what size boiler you need for your home by reading our guide.

How Does a Combi Boiler Work?

So, we have now covered the basics of a combi boiler. Do you know what one is, but how does it work? It seems impressive that it does what it does, but how does it offer instant heating and hot water?

If we look back only a few decades ago and even more recently in some cases, most homeowners in the UK would have had an immersion boiler. This would have been a unit that would have been installed upstairs in an airing cupboard, which would have been connected to a boiler tank located in the loft, and this would have been used to heat water. However, with combi boilers, you won’t need a separate water tank because you have hot water on demand, which means it’s there when you need it!


How does combi boilers work.

Hot water is supplied to the appliance directly, which means that hot water is provided quickly due to a gas burner and a heat exchanger. Some modern combi boilers come with small reservoirs of water, known as preheat systems. These work by keeping a certain amount of water at a specific temperature that is there when you need it. So, when you open the tap, the hot water flows out quickly!

What Size Combi Boiler is Right For Your Home

Many factors come into play when finding the right size combi boiler for your home. This will depend on how many radiators you use in your home and how much hot water you need on demand. If you live in a three—or four-bedroom house, a 20-35 kW combi boiler will be sufficient to meet your needs. If you have a bigger home or have a high hot water demand, you could install a 35-42 kW combi boiler. Replace boiler with combi boiler is right for your home.

The Pros and Cons of Combi Boilers


Space Saving

 They are compact compared to conventional boilers and older systems. Replacing a combi boiler means that it can be installed in smaller areas, enabling you to free up space in your home.

Instant Heating and Water

Due to their design, you won’t need to wait around for water to heat up because once you turn on the tap, you’ll have instant hot water. This is great for busy households and households that need water on demand.

Quick Installation

They are designed to be installed quickly and efficiently. Once a location has been decided, provided all of the necessary pipework is in place, installation can take place in a matter of hours.


Many people fear the cost of a new boiler, but there are now more manufacturers than ever before. What’s more, the cost can also be spread out, which makes it easier to manage and budget for!

Low Installation Cost

Combi boilers are generally easier to install, which means less time is required. With less time comes a lower cost, as engineers can complete the job quickly and efficiently.

Easier Servicing

It’s really important that you service your boiler, and having a combi boiler makes it easier to do so. It is more compact, so engineers can check your boiler without the need to move from one area of the home to another.

Less Sludge and Buildup

Combi boilers are less intricate and easier to install, less sophisticated, and run more efficiently and cleaner, which means less sludge and fewer problems.


Combi boilers are more compact, so they are not suitable for large homes. Because of this, they are generally only suitable for small to medium-sized homes.


Finally, you can make a sense of why combi boilers are so popular among homeowners in the UK. To replace boiler with combi boiler could be the right choice for you if you want to save room, have instant hot water, and get a reliable system that costs less than you think. A combi boiler is a great choice if you like the idea of having hot water whenever you need it. They’re simple to set up and can help you eliminate tanks and barrels to make more room in your home. But keep in mind that, in general, they aren’t good for bigger houses. Most of the time, a combi boiler works best in homes with four or five bedrooms and fifteen radiators.


The timeframe can vary depending on the workload of your chosen installer and the availability of boilers. However, once your application is approved, you can expect the installation in a few days.

Anyone who has a boiler installed before 2005 or has an inefficient boiler can qualify for a boiler grant in the UK. To meet the requirements, you must be a homeowner or private tenant of the home in the UK.

The ECO4 Scheme is a government-funded program that provides grants and funding to homeowners in Scotland, who want to install energy-saving measures in their homes. The aim of the Eco4 scheme is to help people reduce their energy consumption and save money on their energy bills.

Yes, it’s quite easy. You should regularly check that the evaporator and air intake grill are clear of leaves and other particles.

To be eligible for a first time central heating grant, you must not have prior central heating installed in your homes. Also your home’s EPC rating should be lower than D.