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If you are a property owner contemplating the replacement of your outmoded boiler or a tenant worried about escalating energy bills, learning about this scheme can work to your advantage. The ECO4 boiler grant is significant in the UK’s obligation to improve home energy efficiency. ECO4, a government-backed initiative, aims to replace outdated and inefficient heating systems with advanced and energy-saving models, it’s a multi-purpose scheme developed to reduce the CO2 emissions in the atmosphere and offers homeowners a chance to save on their home’s energy bills.

This article defines the types of boilers eligible for grants under the ECO4 scheme, empowering you to make informed decisions for your home heating system.

Understanding ECO4 and its focus

Before exploring eligible boiler options, let’s revisit the core purpose of the ECO4 scheme. ECO4, which stands for Energy Company Obligation Scheme, Phase 4, is the current iteration of a long-running program. Energy companies operating in the UK are obligated to meet specific energy-saving targets set by the government. One way they achieve this is by offering grants to homeowners for various energy-efficiency measures, including boiler replacements. 

Fossil Fuel vs. Renewable Heating Systems: A Shift in Focus

Traditionally, most homes in the UK relied on fossil fuel boilers for heating. While convenient and established, these boilers contribute significantly to carbon emissions. The ECO4 scheme incentivises homeowners to transition from fossil fuels to renewable heating systems. These systems generate heat using sustainable resources, minimising environmental impact.

Understanding ECO4 Boiler Grants

The ECO4 Boiler grant stands at the forefront of the UK government’s effort to control climate change and enhance energy efficiency, it’s part of the Energy Company Obligation (ECO).

What is a Boiler Grant?

A boiler grant is help from the government to support homeowners and private tenants upgrade their heating systems. The primary aim is to promote energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions by replacing inefficient boilers with newer, eco-friendly models.

Features of Boiler Replacement Through ECO4 Scheme

The ECO4 boiler grant scheme is defined by various features that set it apart:

  •  Installing A-rated condensing boilers through the ECO4 boiler grant ensures high energy efficiency.
  • These boilers have intelligent timers and room thermostats for optimal heating control maintaining a consistent temperature and offering comfort and energy savings.
  •  It places thermostatic radiator valves on all radiators (except the one in the thermostat room) for efficient heat distribution.

Primary Importance of Boiler Grants

Energy Efficiency

Modern, energy-efficient boilers replace old, inefficient ones, enabling owners to consume less energy and reduce utility bills. This augurs well not only for individual homes but also for the concurrent national energy-saving initiatives.

Environmental Impact

The scheme for new boilers helps control pollution by encouraging people to use renewable energy sources and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Older models require more fuel thereby discharging carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and enhancing global warming.

Benefits of the ECO4 Boiler Grant 

Cost Savings

One of the primary benefits of the scheme is the potential for significant cost savings on energy bills. New boilers are more efficient. Lower fuel/energy consumption results in less heating expenses.

Improved Comfort

Modern boilers consume less energy while providing better heating performance and temperature control. This translates to improved comfort and a more pleasant living environment for homeowners and tenants.

Environmental Sustainability

Energy-efficient heating systems help efforts towards environmental sustainability. Lowering energy consumption will lead to reduced carbon emissions, which in turn will combat climate change.

Enhanced Home Comfort: Modern condensing boilers offer more efficient and consistent heating throughout your home. This means you get the same temperatures in all your rooms. 

Increased Property Value: Installing an A-rated energy-efficient boiler can help raise your home’s worth making it a catch for new buyers and/or potential tenants. 

Who Qualifies for Boiler Grants?

Free boiler grants rely on how much money you make, what kind of house you have, and what type of heating system you have depending on the plan, the following groups may be able to get help:

  • Homeownership: The grant is available to homeowners or private tenants living in the UK.
  • Boiler Type and Installation Date: Non-condensing boilers installed before 2005 are eligible unfortunately, condensing boilers installed after 2005 do not qualify for this grant, due to their already better efficiency..
  • Energy Performance Certificate: To qualify for the free boiler grant criteria, your EPC rating must be below D.
  • Receipt of Qualifying Government Benefits: To qualify for a gas boiler replacement grant, member of your household must be receiving one of the specified credits or benefits:
    • Income-based Job seeker’s Allowance (JSA)
    • Income-related Employment & Support Allowance (ESA)
    • Income Support Allowance (ISA)
    • Working Tax Credit (WTC)
    • Child tax credit (CTC)
    • Universal Credit (UC)
    • Pension savings Credit
    • Pension Guarantee Credit
    • Child benefit
    • Housing benefit

Here, you can check your eligibility before applying, if you find yourself under these eligibility criteria then fill out the application form for a green future through the ECO4 boiler grant.


The scheme that grants boilers provides good chances for tenants and homeowners. It paves the way for them to heighten their energy efficiency, decrease the costs associated with heating, and hence become friends with the environment. This guide explains some of the things to note concerning eligibility and applying. Once you understand all that is stipulated here, then it will be easy for you to use these services without any problem. You should benefit from this scheme by using the new boiler you just bought because it is very useful.

The timeframe can vary depending on the workload of your chosen installer and the availability of boilers. However, once your application is approved, you can expect the installation in a few days.

Anyone who has a boiler installed before 2005 or has an inefficient boiler can qualify for a boiler grant in the UK. To meet the requirements, you must be a homeowner or private tenant of the home in the UK.

The ECO4 Scheme is a government-funded program that provides grants and funding to homeowners in Scotland, who want to install energy-saving measures in their homes. The aim of the Eco4 scheme is to help people reduce their energy consumption and save money on their energy bills.

Yes, it’s quite easy. You should regularly check that the evaporator and air intake grill are clear of leaves and other particles.

To be eligible for a first time central heating grant, you must not have prior central heating installed in your homes. Also your home’s EPC rating should be lower than D.