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Who Qualifies for a Boiler Grant? – Are you Eligible? (2025)

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Who Qualifies for a Boiler Grant

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There are various government grants available for eligible UK households to improve their energy efficiency and maintain a comfortable temperature. These grants target vulnerable and low-income households and provide complete and partial funding. This funding provides different energy efficiency and heating measures including boiler grants. Authorities have set eligibility criteria to ensure funding is reaching those who are most in need. 

These grants are available under government-backed schemes like ECO4 and BUS. These schemes aim to reduce carbon emissions by installing renewable energy systems and alleviate fuel poverty by making homes more energy efficient. This article explores the detailed overview of eligibility criteria to qualify for these grants. 

Key Eligibility Criteria For Boiler Grants (2025 Updated)

To qualify for boiler grants, you need to meet the eligibility criteria which include a certain income threshold and other requirements.

Eligibility Criteria For Boiler Grants Under ECO4 Scheme

1. Low-Income Requirements

ECO4 grants are specifically designed for low-income households who struggle to keep their homes warmer and pay their energy bills. Here are the income-related requirements to meet to be qualified for boiler grants. 

Qualifying Benefits Recipient: if you are receiving eligible government benefits or any sort of financial assistance, you might qualify for boiler grants. Here is the list of eligible government benefits:

  1. Income Based – Jobseekers Allowance (JSA)
  2. Income Related – Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  3. Income Support Allowance (ISA)
  4. Working Tax Credit (WTC)
  5. Child tax credit (CTC)
  6. Universal Credit (UC)
  7. Pension Guarantee Credit
  8. Pension Savings Credit
  9. Housing Benefits

If you are the recipient of any of the above benefits, you have passed the major qualifying requirement. 

Income Threshold Below £31000 Annually: The household income of all adults must be less than £31000 annually to be eligible. 

2. Property Ownership Status

Homeowners can apply for boiler grants, if a tenant is applying, they require written permission from the landlord. In 2025, landlords can also apply on behalf of their tenants but the tannets must meet the qualifying requirements. 

3. Energy Efficiency Requirements

The property must have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of D or lower. EPC rating indicates the energy efficiency standards of a property. As boiler grants are for low-energy-efficient properties, buildings with lower EPC ratings are preferred during the qualification process to ensure the ones in need get them first. 

4. The Boiler System Installed Before 2005

The ECO4 scheme replaces old and inefficient boilers with advanced condensing boilers to reduce energy consumption and alleviate fuel poverty. Boilers installed before 2005 or non-condensing and energy-inefficient boiler systems are eligible to be replaced. 

5. Gas Meter Installed Before April 2022

If you want a condensing boiler installed on your property, your gas meter should be installed before March 31st 2022. 

6. Location Based Eligibility

This scheme is available for residents of Great Britain. However, there might be some exceptions for location-based eligibility. Use can enter your postcode in the above eligibility calculator to confirm your location is eligible for the grants. 

Application Process for ECO4 Boiler Grants

To apply for boiler grants under the ECO4 scheme, you can visit the Grant Boilers website and follow the instructions below:

  1. Use the Eligibility Calculator: This calculator is provided on the home page of the Grant Boilers website. You can confirm your eligibility for the grant by answering simple questions about your property. 
  2. Fill Out Contact Form: Once you confirm your eligibility, you should fill out the provided contact form so their grant experts can contact you for further process. 
  3. Be Ready For Property Visit:  expert heating engineers will visit your property for an energy efficiency assessment. This will confirm if you are eligible for the grants or not. Plus, they will also make recommendations for energy efficiency measures required. 
  4. Get Heating System Installed: Once you qualify, we will apply for the grants on your behalf and you will get your heating system or energy efficiency measures installed. 
  5. Post-Installation Support: by using the services of Grant Boilers, you will get post-installation support to ensure you are completely satisfied with the installation.

Eligibility Criteria For Boiler Grants Under BUS

The eligibility criteria for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme are easier to meet and simpler as compared to ECO4 grants. Here are the details of how you can qualify for BUS boiler grants. 

  1. Property Ownership: you must be a property owner to qualify for boiler grants under BUS. Small businesses, homes, and rental properties might qualify for these grants. 
  2. Off-Gas Grid Property: The properties which are in rural areas, do not have access to gas connections, and use fossil fuels for heating requirements are qualified to get a biomass boiler system installed. 
  3. Valid Energy Performance Certificate: Your property must have a valid EPC and do not have any outstanding energy efficiency recommendations such as loft and cavity wall insulation. Properties with lower EPC ratings of D, E, F, or G are prioritised during the eligibility period. 
  4. Installation Capacity: As homes and small businesses can apply for these boiler grants under the Boiler Upgrade Scheme, the properties of installation capacity of no more than 45KWhr. 
  5. New Built Properties: newly constructed properties do not qualify for BUS grants. However, if they are self-built and are not previously owned by an organisation or business, they might qualify for boiler grants.  

If you meet the above eligibility criteria, you can apply through the local authorities or a qualified BUS installer. 

Apply for Free Boiler Replacement!


All boiler grants are designed for low-income and low-energy-efficiency households. Individuals living in vulnerable weather conditions or with specific health conditions are prioritised through these schemes. ECO4 and BUS grants are available for residents of England, Scotland, and Wales. Ireland residents can contact local authorities for specific boiler grants. 

This article has explored all the eligibility criteria required to qualify for boiler grants under the BUS and ECO4 schemes. Check your eligibility by visiting the Grant Boilers website and using the eligibility calculator provided on the homepage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can get a boiler grant through the ECO4 scheme if you are not on benefits. ECO4 has different eligibility criteria for those not on benefits. You need to meet the low-income criteria where your household income has to be equal to or lower than £31,000/annum. Your property should also meet the low energy efficiency requirements to qualify.

Yes, in most of the scenarios, these grants provide energy efficiency measures completely free. If you qualify, you will get your boiler system installed for free. However, there might be some scenarios where your property needs some extra measures, you might need to contribute in that case. These grants also provide other heating and energy efficiency measures. So if your property needs insulation, you can apply for that along with a boiler grant to get it free.

Yes, if you are a pensioner and receive pension credit, you can qualify for boiler grants. However, you need to meet the low income requirements if you are not on benefits like pension or universal credit.

Ready To Transform Your Home With A Free Boiler? Check Your Eligibility And Apply Today With Grant Boilers.

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ECO4 Eligibility