Table of Contents

In our commitment to creating a sustainable and environmentally conscious future, it has become imperative to explore innovative solutions that not only address climate change but also reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. One such groundbreaking innovation is the Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP).

The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that buildings are responsible for 36% of global final energy consumption and 39% of CO2 emissions. To cope with this exigent situation, the UK government has set a target to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2050. Central to this goal is the revolutionary air source heat pump technology. To encourage households to shift to this heating system the government offers air source heat pump grants under the ECO4 scheme. The aim is to replace inefficient heating systems and replace them with ASHP. 

Another reason to switch this heating system is how they heat homes. They can transport heat from the outside without creating it by burning fossil fuels. This helps reduce annual energy bills by £350 while significantly reducing carbon emissions.

Understanding the Free Air Source Heat Pump Grants

In an era where environmental awareness is growing, individuals are increasingly seeking alternatives to traditional fossil fuel-based heating systems. The Air Source Heat Pump Grant UK will emerge as a pivotal player in decarbonising household heating over the next decade.
The government, under the strategic leadership of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, unveiled a comprehensive ten-point plan in November 2020, charting a course for the UK to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Central to this plan is the installation of 600,000 heat pumps annually by 2028, a pivotal step toward a sustainable heating transition.

In September 2023, the government announced further assistance for households looking to switch to a low-carbon heating system. It confirms that heat pump grants in England and Wales would rise to £7,500 from, 23 October. In Scotland, households were already able to claim up to £7,500 towards installing a heat pump.
A 2023 study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) found that ASHPs can reduce CO2 emissions by up to 80% compared to traditional gas boilers.

Types of Air Source Heat Pumps

Air source heat pumps offer a sustainable and efficient way to heat your home. They work by extracting heat from the surrounding air, even at low temperatures, and transferring it indoors. ASHPs fall into two main categories: air-to-water and air-to-air, each with distinct characteristics and suitability for different heating systems.

 Air-To-Water Heat Pumps

  • Extract heat from the air and transfer it to water for use in hydronic central heating systems, including radiators and underfloor heating.
  • Ideal for homes with existing hydronic heating systems or those planning to install them during construction or renovation.
  • An air-to-water heat pump usually runs between £7,000 and £18,000, with operating costs for a three-bedroom home estimated to be between £750 and £950. Air-to-water heat pumps often pay for themselves in eight to twelve years.
  • The service life of air-to-water heat pumps varies from 10 to 15 years, depending on the model, location, and maintenance. 
  • Air-to-water pumps provide hot water at low temperatures and underfloor heating, central heating, and hot water without needing an additional system. 


  • High efficiency, especially when paired with larger radiators or underfloor heating.
  • Can provide both heating and hot water.
  • Entitled the Free Air Source Heat Pump Grants all across the UK.

Air-To-Air Heat Pumps

  • Extract heat from the air and distribute it indoors directly using fans.
  • Suitable for homes without existing hydronic heating systems or those seeking a more affordable option.
  • An air-to-air heat pump might break even in 6–12 years at an average cost of £1,500–8,000. An annual budget of £650–£800 will cover the operational expenditures of a household with two to four members.
  • Air source heat pumps may transition from heating to cooling depending on the season, functioning as an air conditioner in the day’s heat and a heating source in the winter.
  • They consume much less energy than a standard system. 


  • Lower initial installation cost compared to air-to-water systems.
  • No need for additional plumbing or water-based heating systems.
  • Can also function as an air conditioner during summer months.

Comparison Table




Heat transfer medium Water Air
Suitable heating systems Hydronic (radiators, underfloor heating) Air-based (fan coils, ducted systems)
Hot water provision Yes No
Initial cost Higher Lower
Installation complexity More complex Simpler
Efficiency High Lower
Eligibility for Free Air Source Heat Pump Grants (UK) Yes Yes
Summer cooling capability Yes

ASHPs work efficiently at lower temperatures, making them ideal for underfloor heating systems or bigger radiators since they provide heat at lower temperatures for longer periods. They can still extract heat when air temperatures are as low as -20°Celcius outside!

Additional Considerations

Air-to-water systems are generally more efficient in colder climates, while air-to-air systems may be sufficient in warmer regions.
Home size and insulation
Larger homes with good insulation will benefit more from air-to-water systems, while smaller homes or those with less insulation may be better suited for air-to-air.
Personal preferences
Some homeowners may prefer the convenience of air-to-air systems, while others may prioritise the efficiency and hot water provision of air-to-water systems.

Eligibility for the Air Source Heat Pump Grants:

Eligibility criteria for the Free Air Source Heat Pump Grants UK may vary based on specific programs and locations. However, certain common factors include homeownership, private tenants,  specific Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) ratings, and receiving designated benefits.

Common Eligibility Factors:

  • The grant is typically available to homeowners, landlords, and private tenants.
  • Eligibility is likely if your EPC rating is D (lower), E, F, or G, and you heat your home using specific heating systems.
  • Receipt of certain benefits, including
    • Child Tax Credit
    • Child benefit
    • Income-related Jobseekers Allowance
    • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
    • Income Support
    • Pension Credit Guarantee
    • Pensions Credit Savings Credit
    • Universal Credit
    • Working Tax Credit.

Air-Source Heat Pump Efficiency

Heat Pump Efficiency 

Air to water heat pump

200% – 400%

Air-to-air heat pumps


Ground source heat pumps


The latest information indicates that air-source heat pump grants have an efficiency of 300%, air-to-water heat pumps have an average efficiency of 200% to 400%, and air-to-air heat pumps have an efficiency of 300%.

Grant Amounts And Regional Variations

Grant amounts for the Free Air Source Heat Pump Grants UK exhibit significant variations depending on the program and region. Below are the schemes showcasing the diversity in grant amounts:

Grant Amounts

  • UK Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS): Up to £75,000.
  • Scotland’s Home Energy Scotland Loan: Up to £14,000.
  • Ireland’s Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme: Up to €5,000.

For detailed information on grant amounts and eligibility in your area, it is crucial to consult the official website of the relevant programme.

The Process of Applying for Free Air Source Heat Pump Grants:

The application process for Air Source Heat Pump Grants involves several critical steps to ensure a seamless experience and maximise the chances of approval.

Step-By-Step Application Process:

  • Grant Research: Conduct extensive research on available grants at both local and national levels, considering their specific criteria and financial structures.
  • Pre-application Eligibility Check: Before initiating the application, meticulously review and confirm that you meet all outlined eligibility requirements. This proactive step helps avoid potential delays or rejections.
  • Document Compilation: Gather all necessary documentation, including proof of ownership, benefit letter, and detailed information about your existing heating system. Being well-prepared in this aspect expedites the application process.
  • Choosing Credible Installers: Free Air Source Heat Pump Grants program often mandates the use of accredited installers. Ensure that the professional you choose meets the stipulated qualifications, ensuring a smooth path towards grant approval.
  • A Seamless Submission: Follow the guidelines the grant program provides meticulously. Complete all required forms accurately and submit them along with the supporting documentation. This step-by-step approach enhances your chances of a successful application.

air source heat pump guide.

Common Government Grants Available for Heat Pumps:

Several government grants in the UK aim to provide financial support for heat pumps, covering a spectrum from the Boiler Upgrade Scheme to ECO4 and Warmer Homes Scotland.

The Boiler Upgrade Scheme

Originally known as the Clean Heat Grant, this scheme intends to aid households in replacing traditional boilers with eco-friendly alternatives, such as air source heat pumps. Recently extended until 2028, it offers substantial grants, with specific increases announced in England, and Wales.
In an announcement in September 2023, the government revealed increased support for households transitioning to low-carbon heating systems. Specifically, heat pump grants in England and Wales were set to rise to an impressive £7,500 from October 23, 2023. Simultaneously, Scottish households could already claim up to £7,500 towards installing a heat pump. Despite these enhancements, a staggering 73% of individuals remain unaware of the Boiler Upgrade Scheme, as highlighted by the National Home Energy Survey.

Grant Amount

  • £7,500 for air source heat pumps
  • £7,500 for ground source heat pumps

Exploring The ECO4 Program

The Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) stands as another pillar of the government’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions and enhancing energy efficiency. This multifaceted program considers an individual’s circumstances, tailoring support accordingly. The financial assistance available under ECO4 depends on specific criteria related to the recipient’s situation, reflecting the program’s flexibility and adaptability.

Grant amount
Up to £14,000 for a heat pump installation, covering the entire cost in most cases.

Warmer Homes Scotland

For our friends north of the border, the Warmer Homes Scotland initiative takes centre stage. This program goes beyond financial aid, encompassing a holistic approach to improving energy efficiency in homes. Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, Warmer Homes Scotland evaluates individuals’ unique situations, offering tailored solutions to address heating challenges. The program’s potential financial support is contingent upon the specifics of the recipient’s circumstances.

Grant Amount

Up to £5,000 for an air source heat pump installation.

Exploring the Benefits of Free Air Source Heat Pump Grants

The benefits of Air Source Heat Pump Grants extend beyond financial considerations, encompassing various aspects that make them a compelling choice for environmentally conscious homeowners.

Energy Efficiency

ASHPs are extremely energy efficient, with an Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) that exceeds 300%. This means that for every unit of power consumed, they generate more than three units of heat. This translates into significant energy cost reductions, with the potential to cut your energy bills by up to 50% when compared to typical gas boilers.

Source Of Renewable Energy

ASHPs provide a genuinely sustainable heating solution by using free and easily accessible energy from the surrounding air. In contrast to fossil fuels, which greatly contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, ASHPs employ renewable resources. This enables you to contribute to a cleaner future while also lowering your carbon impact.

Versatility And All-Year Comfort

ASHPs provide both heating and cooling capabilities, offering year-round comfort and eliminating the need for separate heating and cooling systems.

Lower Carbon Footprint

You may drastically minimise your carbon footprint by switching from fossil fuel-powered heating systems to ASHPs. This helps to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as increasing sea levels, extreme weather events, and air pollution.

Financial Incentives And Cost-Cutting Measures

Governments globally recognise the value of sustainable technology and offer financial incentives, grants, tax credits, or subsidies to make ASHP installations accessible.

Low Maintenance

Air source heat pumps typically have a 10- to 20-year lifespan and require little maintenance. As a result, you won’t have to pay for pricey repairs and can relax knowing that your house will remain warm for a long time.

Maintenance and Care for Outstanding Performance

Maintaining and taking care of the system properly will guarantee that it is working to its maximum capacity. It’s advised to have a professional evaluate your heat pump once a year to make sure the air filters are clean, perform small repairs, and offer suggestions for upgrades.

For the outside unit to last longer, it must also be maintained clear of dirt. Following are a few more tips:

  1. To ensure that the system uses clean water and prevents damage, the filter in the external component needs to be cleaned regularly.
  2. To guarantee appropriate air intake and outflow, the unit needs to be kept dry and the surrounding area clean.
  3. Depending on the quality of the local water, cleaning the tank in the event of scale development is recommended. Additionally, leaks in the system should be routinely monitored.

Allow Us To Get You the Free Air Source Heat Pump Grants

The Air Source Heat Pump Grants present an excellent opportunity to utilise a sustainable and cost-effective heating solution. By understanding the grant, its benefits, and the application process, you can contribute to a greener future while enjoying increased comfort and energy savings in your home.
At Grant Boilers, our commitment goes beyond meeting expectations; we strive to exceed them. We understand the significance of a grant for an air-source heat pump, not only ensuring a seamless approval and installation process but also leaving you with peace of mind. With Grant Boiler, your comfort is in the hands of experts dedicated to excellence.

The timeframe can vary depending on the workload of your chosen installer and the availability of boilers. However, once your application is approved, you can expect the installation in a few days.

Anyone who has a boiler installed before 2005 or has an inefficient boiler can qualify for a boiler grant in the UK. To meet the requirements, you must be a homeowner or private tenant of the home in the UK.

The ECO4 Scheme is a government-funded program that provides grants and funding to homeowners in Scotland, who want to install energy-saving measures in their homes. The aim of the Eco4 scheme is to help people reduce their energy consumption and save money on their energy bills.

Yes, it’s quite easy. You should regularly check that the evaporator and air intake grill are clear of leaves and other particles.

To be eligible for a first time central heating grant, you must not have prior central heating installed in your homes. Also your home’s EPC rating should be lower than D.